Cyberbullying Resources

Below are several categories of relevant cyberbullying resources. We have attempted to focus on Canadian resources where possible. This is not a comprehensive list, but every site listed here has been vetted for accuracy and for how up to date the information is.

Digital Literacy for Parents
As part of the development of this site, we evaluated the top 100 hits from cyberbullying related search terms. A lot of cyberbullying websites are out of date or based on the opinion of one person. Click here to read more about how we evaluated the websites so that you can feel more confident when looking up cyberbullying information online.

These are links to sites that focus on all aspects of cyberbullying.
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These include links that will help parents support a child who is engaged in cyberbullyling, either as a recipient or perpetrator.
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These links focus on what schools and teachers can do to support kids who are engaging in cyberbullying, including intervention and prevention efforts.
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These links provide information about current legal policies around cyberbullying.
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