How Kids Use Tech

As kids develop, their social experiences become increasingly important. Click below to find out how their personal development influences how they choose to interact with technology. Please note that age is not really relevant. Some kids hit developmental milestones earlier and some later.

This can be a very joyous time of discovery when your child begins to realize how much information and media is at their fingertips. At this stage, children are not very interested in socializing online; rather the Internet represents access to a world of YouTube videos, TV shows, online games, Wikipedia pages, etc.
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As your child’s social world begins to expand, technology will become a cornerstone for supporting their growing social needs. Developmentally, kids tend to be more focussed on quantity over quality of friendships, which makes social media such a draw, where it’s all about the number of ‘likes’ their posts have or how many ‘followers they can gain.
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As teens get older, their image becomes everything to them. This means their social media sites become much more carefully curated. They are also starting to search for intimacy in their friendships, and will likely be engaging in their first relationships. The 24/7 accessibility through technology makes it ideal for supporting this need.
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